Online Giving
We are excited to offer you a new way to give at church, through online giving with Planning Center! By creating a secure account, you can set up one-time or recurring gifts or tithes to Wilmer Baptist. You can still give tithes and offerings during our worship service, using cash or checks and our offering envelopes; but with the added benefit of online giving, you can give anytime, anywhere.
To make a one time giving donation online, simply click on the link below. To learn how to set up recurring giving payments, watch the video to the left.

Are you looking to give towards the Camp Whispering Pines Pool Project? Click on the giving link above and you will be taken to the giving site. Once you put in your donation amount, click "General" and select "Pool Project - Camp Whispering Pines" from the drop-down menu. Fill out the remaining information requested and your donation will be complete!
Thank you in advance for choosing to support this local ministry with your donation!